Embracing the age-agnostic workplace



Jackie Bernard addresses how companies can embrace an age-agnostic workplace.

Why Corporate Culture is Vital to Talent Management 

What’s included in this article?

As part of our January 2019 Review, Jackie Bernard addresses how companies can embrace an age-agnostic workplace.

In this article, Jackie takes an insightful look at:

  • Labour-force participation rates
  • Increased lifespans and dropping birth rates
  • Social changes
  • How are corporations reacting
  • Sample recommendations for the age-agnostic workforce
  • What about AI?

Multinational corporations are already aware of the importance of attracting and retaining a gender- and ethnically-diverse workforce, in order to improve innovation and financial performance, and have implemented policies to encourage this.

What is perhaps less well-established as a competitive advantage is the idea of an age-diverse workforce. This low level of awareness  is likely to change in the next few years, due to several major demographic, financial and social factors, which are likely to bring major shifts in our working lives. What we’d like to do here, very briefly, is explore those factors, examine some of the longer-term predictions and look at what some companies are doing as these changes emerge.

These changes are likely to have a multi-generational effect, making a difference to many of those currently advanced in their working lives, millennials, as you would expect, as well as those very new to the workforce or indeed have yet to join the workforce, and will therefore have a major affect on, for example HR and recruitment practices, in the long term.

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