Talent Intelligence

Enabling HR and Talent leaders to develop world-class Talent Intelligence functions.

Talent Intelligence can be established as a stand-alone function, as additional capabilities attached to a Talent Acquisition team, an extension to people analytics within HR, or a branch of business intelligence that connects to Talent and HR.

Talent Intelligence Consulting

Building on 30 years of experience in partnering with global, blue-chip organisations, we provide clients with the tools, training, expertise and capacity to realise immediate benefits from Talent Intelligence.

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We set out the strategies and roadmaps for scaling and developing the function, creating a competitive advantage for your business.

Whether you are building a Talent Intelligence function from scratch, augmenting or upskilling an existing Talent Acquisition team, or looking to build on existing talent intelligence capabilities, we will develop a proposal and framework to help achieve your goals.

We start with an initial consultation to understand your goals and to get to know your unique context. This includes an analysis of your current capabilities, technology and tools, processes, current operating model, stakeholders and current vendors. We then work with you to develop a model that applies leading talent intelligence capabilities into your business environment to ensure success.

The Benefits of Talent Intelligence

Forward-thinking companies are now building Talent Intelligence teams in-house. We support businesses in understanding the benefits of Talent Intelligence, creating their processes, assessing and selecting technology and providing training.

Tailored, strategic insights into talent demographics, skills, roles, functions and geographies drive better-informed business decisions.

Intelligence on competitor activity feeds into HR, merger and acquisitions teams, strategic planning and driving better business decision making.

Talent Intelligence teams elevate HR and Talent groups with data.

Enables the talent function as a true, data-enabled business partner.

Diagnose talent challenges including employer branding, retention, compensation and benefits, and diversity.

Inform HR and Talent strategy including location decisions, organizational design, and D&I strategy.

Talent Intelligence Glossary

Definition: The collection and analysis of external labour market data, combined with primary insight to drive talent and business decisions.

Definition: The quantitative analysis of insights into the external talent market and of your existing teams. These data points help to create a better understanding of the bench strength of your existing team and the opportunities for growth within the wider talent pool.

Talent Analytics forms part of Talent Intelligence, as it is accompanied by qualitative primary research.

The collection and analysis of internal talent data to drive talent decisions. People analytics looks at HR metrics and HR data such as succession, competencies, development and performance which gives an overview of the health of the business.

The combination of talent intelligence with HR Analytics creates a 360° view of the talent landscape.

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